姓名Brittany 别名暂无
国籍 出生地
语言英语 性别
生日 星座
身高 体重


My name is Brittany,most of my friends call me Brit.My middle name is Mae.I love my family and am proud to say I have the most amazing parents..I could never dream of better.I LOVE to love and I love my new Baby Niece Gabrielle to the core, she stole my heart, she's perfect!I love my friends and would do anything for them...my friends are my extended family. Iam a neat person and very organized.I mainly work by a schedule and need to have most things planned out.Iam 6'1 so pretty well everyday someone has some "height" comment to make to me..or ask me to reach something for them. For people who know me they know that Music is my life,its what makes me,ME.If you want to get to know me...all you have to do is be my friend..Im not that hard to understand at all.I eat,sleep,breathe music...of being on the road and travelling the globe,being played on the radio and making music videos and making records till Im an old lady. Iam a country girl at heart.I grew up a farm baby...Iam very passionate about every incling of farming and every step."Farmers Feed Cities" Iam obsessed with horses.I adore little fluffy bunnies like mine {Budweiser}I like cats and dogs...Iam an animal lover.I LOVE my mini bike, and four wheeling,snowmobiling..all that awesome stuff!My pickup is my BABY! I love to travel by land or air...not so much on water.Iam the kind of girl that is up for anything.I will hop in a vehicle and just drive with the music turned way up and I don't even know where Iam going...I just drive.Iam very independent.I LOVE movies and watching them on my flat screen t.v with headphones on and the lights turned off and candles lit everywhere. I'm SO in LOVE.My dreams are slowly coming true and I'm okay with that, because I know all I have ever wanted and dreamt of will come true, it's the way of the Universe..you just have to dream and believe!
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