姓名Antonio Cortes 别名暂无
国籍罗马尼亚 出生地
语言 性别
生日 星座
身高 体重


Antonio Cortes (Romania, 1988) is a Romanian singer, nationalized Spanish,Born in 1988 in Romania , but it's taken two years for a couple of Nerja , Mulaga . Although born in Romania, Antonio does not keep memory of their homeland. A few years later , Antonio left fatherless , Music Lover in 2007 , while conducting high school, is presented in competition Canal South Euphonic , getting second place in the final , just for a 2 difference (49.0 ) to the winner Joana Jiménez (51.0 ) , although during his career on the show, was the favorite contestant public more times , also being the contestant 's crowd favorite times in the history of the competition . Following this , he begins to develop his career. In 2010, sales launches its first studio album , entitled ' What is happening to me my ' where versiona thirteen great songs . Later in 2011 she released her second studio album ' Anytime, anywhere, any way you like ' , a new job where he sings along to Rocío Jurado, Sole Jimenez, Tino Di Geraldo , Jorge Pardo and Carlos Benavent.1 's lover Easter, who has sung at more than one bolt to Christ from his brotherhood.
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