姓名Vosa 别名暂无
国籍德国 出生地
语言德语 性别
生日 星座
身高 体重


VOSA, the Newcomer of the German dance and Popschlagers, continues his musical journey on 30.08.2013 with his new single "I'm strong ..." fort.VOSA is not just a cheerleader and absolute guarantee of good mood and full of dance, but still shows his soulful side with romantic songs about love. Quite surprisingly different he already showed up with a notice of the new song in the form of a romantic piano ballad that was published on the Internet and caused large influx. But on 30.08.2013 wirdsich show that modern, powerful beats and romance does not exclude and it remains his personal musical cocktail, a mixture of pop, dance and pop, more faithful. With the new single also other mixes are published that show the diversity of VOSA. Here VOSA shows clearly enough that he is one of the newcomers, who have the courage to open the borders of a musical world on.
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