姓名Lust For Youth 别名暂无
国籍瑞典 出生地
语言 性别组合
生日 星座
身高 体重


Hannes Norvidde/Loke Rahbek/Malthe Fisher ,Oh, how the tridents turn. Lust for Youth, once a hazy ballast for cold world circuitry and disembodied closet croons, have just up and laid a (relative) bomb on the black lip fashion mephistos by releasing this here clip for “Illume” (directed by the slick shit irreverence, himself Mr Cali Thornhill Dewitt) in which the band (now a band, proper, it seems) meanders with editorial ennui through LA in tuxedos and black cowboy shtick. I guess it’s not the video that’s oh-so so canon blowing, though. It’s the track, man. This shit is some serious deadpan Music for the Masses era shoulder slump dance blank in the shadows of love (gone) crystal reel to reel glitterama jamming and it’s taken from their upcoming International (out 6/10 on Sacred Bones). You can dig that business below along with all known tour dates and record tracklisting Rockit
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