姓名Amy Steele 别名暂无
国籍英国 出生地
语言英语 性别
生日 星座
身高 体重


When passion is your main motivator, anything is possible. Just ask Amy Steele. The 21-year-old singer/songwriter has two main focuses in mind: music and medicine. Pursuing both simultaneously, Amy plans to have a medical degree and a debut album arriving in tandem.

Born in the Hampstead section of London, Amy was a clever child who loved Math. “Raised on a healthy diet of Mariah Carey, Destiny’s Child and hints of Country music,” music was an essential part of Amy’s life, often mimicking the artists she listened to. By ten years old she tried out for a talent show at school and wowed her peers with her surprisingly sweet soprano. “I loved the whole idea of performing, even at a young age,”
Amy recalls. She began trying out for school plays and choruses, while attempting to learn the piano. Amy couldn’t understand why she wasn’t grasping the music. A music teacher told her that perhaps instruments weren’t her strong suit. That’s when Amy realized that she was dyslexic. “There are loads of different types of dyslexics,” the young siren explains. “Mine included not being able to read music.” While she learned to play music by ear, Amy continued her pursuit of singing and songwriting, as well as Medicine – a dream she had since she was five years old.
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