姓名Niloo 别名暂无
国籍乌兹别克斯坦 出生地
语言 性别
生日 星座
身高 体重


Nilu is the shortened version of the name Nilufar which means "White Lotus" or "water-lily" in Russian.

Rasulmuhamedova Nilufar Elmurodovna was born February 21, 1988 in Uzbekistan, where she lived for 12 years The family then moved to Moscow

Nilu composed her first song in kindergarten at the age of four The song was called "Butterfly" The teacher took her to a popular Tashkent troupe of "Aladdin" Niloo was the youngest in the party When questioned what she wanted to be when she grew up, she boldly declared - a composer

Before moving to Moscow Nilu studied at a specialized boarding school where music education was mandatory Being a singer took a lot of training, she learned to play the piano, practicing four hours a day and took part in various competitions for professional pianists

In parallel, Nilu toured with "Aladdin" They visited orphanages, remote towns and villages

"We went in small, decrepit buses, sometimes they broke and we had to walk, two seats usually sat three or four people, but these difficult conditions didn't change our joyful attitude I remember my childhood being very bright and happy!"

From childhood Nilu performed backing vocals and participated with many groups in one way or another Colleagues noted her good ear and a natural sense of rhythm

In 2000, Nilu settled in Moscow. Here, she became involved with a new childrens group "Traffic Light" A vocal coach worked with her pupils, preparing for the contest "New Wave" Nilu always remembers her with great gratitude

In 2011, Neal graduated from the Moscow Institute of Contemporary Art, specializing in pop-jazz vocals At the same time she worked as backing vocalist for Stas Pyeha, as well as a small jazz group playing their own material

She took part in the competition "Crystal Stork" (Moldova), where she received a People's Choice Award, in the show "The Voice Kraini" (Ukraine), and many other musical events

The vocal show "Voice Kraini" on channel "1 +1" was a turning point her career as a singer In "blind listening" Nilu turned all star coaches. Her participation found favour with Valerie and Nilu became a part of her team. At this competition she first sang the song Rihanny, which she later performed at the "New Wave"So began the realization of her childhood dream
In July 2012 Nilu took part in and won the international contest "New Wave" for young singers of popular music in Jurmala. The prize for victory was "Crystal Wave" This year's competition involved 16 artists from 14 countries, including Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Latvia, Mexico, Israel, Italy and others. Nilu's song performed in the third round of the "New Wave" was remembered by many viewers. However, in November the same year, especially for the filming of the first clip and singers performing at the festival "Song of the Year - 2013", the writers completely changed the arrangement of the lyrics. The new version of the song was also sung at the annual charity concert "Christmas song of the year - 2013"

Her video premiere took place on 11 December 2012 on the official YouTube music channel ELLO This is Russia's first music video shot in the format of Ultra HD (4K)
Currently, Nilu is working on new material
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