姓名Maya Beiser 别名暂无
国籍美国 出生地
语言 性别
生日 星座
身高 体重


Maya Beiser, hailed by The New Yorker as a “cello goddess,” has captivated audiences worldwide with her virtuosity, eclectic repertoire, and relentless quest to redefine her instrument\'s boundaries. She has collaborated with artists across a wide range of musical styles, including Brian Eno, Philip Glass, Mark O’Connor, Steve Reich, Trent Reznor of Nine Inch Nails, and Tan Dun (Crouching Tiger Concerto), among many others. Maya is a truly global artist: raised on a kibbutz in Israel by her French mother and Argentinean father, she received her advanced training at Yale. Her major teachers were Aldo Parisot, Uzi Weizel, Alexander Schneider, and Isaac Stern. While at Yale, Maya became the founding cellist of the new music ensemble, the Bang on a Can All-Stars. As a solo artist, she is a featured performer on the world’s most prestigious stages, from Lincoln Center to the Sydney Opera House and the Taipei International Festival. Appearances in Barcelona, Paris, Tokyo, Shanghai, and San Francisco have brought her acclaim worldwide. Collaborating with renowned film composer James Newton Howard, Maya is the featured soloist on his soundtracks to M. Night Shyamalan\'s The Happening, Denzel Washington\'s The Great Debaters, and Edward Zwick\'s Blood Diamond. In 2009, she appeared with the Boston Pops in the premiere of a new orchestral suite based on Howard’s score to Shyamalan\'s The Village. She has drawn widespread praise for her multimedia concerts, including World To Come, presented as part of the inaugural season of Zankel Hall at Carnegie Hall; Almost Human, chosen by The New York Times as among the “Best of 2006” musical events; and most recently, Provenance, a 70-minute presentation incorporating music by young composers from Algeria, Armenia, Kurdish Iran, Israel, Morocco, and the US. Says Maya, “Provenance outlines a musical landscape in which cultural differences are brought together for the artistic energy they release with each encounter. It embraces co-existence not as an abstract ideal but as a creative necessity.” A recording of Provenance comes out on the Innova label in May 2010. Maya’s four previous solo CDs, Oblivion, Kinship, World To Come and Almost Human, were released on Koch International. Maya plays a 1714 Stradivarius cello.
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