姓名Born To Suffer 别名暂无
国籍 出生地
语言 性别组合
生日 星座
身高 体重


Born To Suffer is a young and fast-evolving Russian metalcore band. Being formed in the fall 2008, guys stormed into Saint-Petersburg metal stage with lightening speed. With its first studio release, namely "In these bleeding eyes" demo 2008, the band conquered first fans and gave a shape to its own style, that can be defined as a mixture of metalcore riffs, epic melodies, mind breaking dissonances and nonstandard bar sizes in compilation with exploding breakdowns. With a strong emphasis on technique and experiments together with its wholehearted behavior on stage, Born To Suffer received reputation of a perspective and eccentric metal collective. Lyrics, which are mainly oriented towards global and social problems, is another remarkable trait putting BTS out of the crowd. For the first months of 2010, the band shared stage with such monsters as Arsonists Get All The Girls and I Wrestled A Bear Once. On 12th of May 2010 guys are presenting their EP album "Grievous Legacy", which became a breaking point for the collective. In November, 2010 the guys made one more their dream come true and supported american melodic hardcore band For The Fallen Dreams, who appreciated Born To Suffer's music a lot.
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