姓名Aechoes 别名暂无
国籍 出生地
语言 性别组合
生日 星座
身高 体重


Aechoes - ((ek-ōs)) 1. Any unheard and/or unseen events caused by the actions, thoughts, or decisions of a human being.

Don’t call them “metal-core” or “death-core”. They’re not. In a flood of generic heavy metal music that envelops the music industry, Aechoes rises above with their blend of progressive hardcore, harmonious metal, and methodic grooves.
Since their initial inception, Aechoes has joined forces with a number of talented musicians to stay ahead of the musical tide. Leading artists such as guitarists Chris Storey (“Smashface”, formerly “All Shall Perish”) and Travis Montgomery (“Threat Signal”, “Nociceptor”) have contributed their musical talents to Aechoes’ debut album, The Human Condition, awaiting release this year. Aechoes also enlisted the assistance of “Volumes” members Diego Farias and Daniel Braunstein with the recording and producing of The Human Condition.
Aechoes currently consists of guitarists Nathan Porteous and Rob Brown, Chris Jones on bass, Elden Ferris on drums, and vocalist Kiernan McArdle. This team of skilled and dedicated musicians is constantly looking for new ways to stay on top of the metal genre. Aechoes Front-man Kiernan says, “Our songs consist of lyrics and music that document all aspects of our lives and all the emotion that comes with the challenge we call life.”
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