姓名Potergeist 别名暂无
国籍 出生地
语言 性别组合
生日 星座
身高 体重


Founded in Athens,Greece in 2004,Potergeist started out as a southern metal band.After 2 years of composing, lots of gigs,hard work and true love for music the band records "Southwards" album in 2006.

In 2007 " Southwards" is released with Burning star records worldwide. Their crossover of dark and groovy southern blues metal is regarded as a novelty by many and also brings confusion as to what kind of music POTERGEIST is all about.The critics applaud while a fan base is created.

2008 brings the composition of new tracks which are put to the test through live performances as Potergeist hit the road with brother band Lucky Funeral on a mini tour.Later the same year Potergeist enter the studio once again and records self titled self financed mini ep.Showing a more swampy and dark side of the band.

In 2010 Potergeist enter the studio recording their 2nd full length masterpiece"Muddy Mermaids" that will wait until 2012 to be released by Distroball Productions. With "Muddy Mermaids" the band goes even more dark ,more bluesy and more close to metal than rock.Not being able to label their own music any more the term Swamp Metal is born and used to describe Potergeists gothic southern bluesy sound. In.. 2010 also director Costas Zapas inspired by the music of Potergeist works with Alex S. and Asimakis Repas on his new movie "The rebellion of red maria" creating a brutal metal soundrack twisted enough to mach the hardcore and often twisted world of Zapa.

Throug the years Potergeist has shared the stage with the likes of Monster Magnet,Pro Pain,The Haunted,Lucky Funeral,Psycho Choke,Slavebreed...to mention a few and have become known for the energy they deliver when on stage.What s next for Potergeist ,the future will tell.Until then enjoy the pot...
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