姓名Oathkeeper 别名暂无
国籍美国 出生地
语言 性别组合
生日 星座
身高 体重


Troy Garner: Vocals
Mathew Martell: Bass/Keys/Backup Vocals
Thai McGrath: Guitar/Vocals
Haze Pierce: Drums
Mike Freeman: Lead Guitar

Oathkeeper is a band full of guys doing what it is that they love. All of the members were lucky enough to find each other off of mutual friends. With a desire to create music that people can relate and connect with, the members of Oathkeeper are anxious to make an impact on the music scene.

Everything that we do as a band and all the music that we write is not only there to make us happy. We want to give you, our fans, something to listen to that isn't just music but something you can be just as passionate about as we are. We grew up listening to bands that inspired us and we have the same desire to spread that love to our fans and inspire them.
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