姓名North and South 别名暂无
国籍英国 出生地
语言 性别组合
生日 星座
身高 体重


orth and South is the second social novel and the fourth overall by English writer Elizabeth Gaskell. With Wives and Daughters (1865) and Cranford (1853), it is one of Elizabeth Gaskell's best known novels and produced two television adaptations - one in 1975 and the other at the end of 2004. The latter version, North & South, renewed interest in the novel and gained it a wider audience. Her first novel Mary Barton (1848), already dealt with relations between employers and workers, but its narrative adopted the view of the working poor and described the "misery and hateful passions caused by the love of pursuing wealth as well as the egoism, thoughtlessness and insensitivity of manufacturers." In North and South Elizabeth Gaskell returns to the precarious situation of workers and their relations with industrialists, but in a more balanced manner by focusing more on the thinking and perspective of the employers.
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