”A game between the acoustic and electronic. A trip between space and earth. Corbu leads us in the middle of everything. Where there are no benchmarks. Where all the world is lost. Where we do not know what is joy or pain (as we play in between).”.
- the French blog Mets-toi á la page
"Dreams are really important to me. I’ve always had intense and lucid dreams since I was little, and as I’ve gotten older they’ve taken on a lot more meaning for me. I think the world you experience when you’re dreaming is physically real, in some way. I don’t understand it at all, but I’ve had enough intense experiences to justify that belief. So for me, it’s a sort of parallel reality to our normal, waking consciousness – one where time doesn’t exist and dead relatives can hang out with you. Whenever I’m making art or music, I feel like I’m trying to reach over into that place and bring some of it back into this one."