姓名Rajaton 别名暂无
国籍芬兰 出生地
语言 性别组合
生日 星座
身高 体重


Rajaton is a Finnish a cappella ensemble, founded in Helsinki in 1997. The Finnish word rajaton means "boundless", to indicate the breadth of their repertoire, from sacred classical to near Europop.

Rajaton performs primarily in Finland but also tours around Europe and the rest of the world, having performed in over 25 countries.

In 2005, Rajaton album sales reached 100,000 worldwide. They have earned eight gold records in total, with Rajaton Sings ABBA reaching platinum (30,000) and Joulu reaching double platinum (60,000).

Rajaton mainly performs a cappella, music written or arranged by members of the ensemble. Most lyrics are taken from poetry and from a collection of Finnish folk poetry Kanteletar.
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