成员: Xavier Germain Poitras - vocals, guitars
Louis Guillemette - drums, vocals
家乡 Montreal
Um, grunge, To use a term that’s nearly as dated, but still wedged into contemporary rock’s golden era (the ’90s), let’s say alt- rock instead. Montreal’s Solids have played within the more melodic, less emo corner of that stylistic framework since 2010. Following 2011’s Generic Dogs EP and a pair of seven-inch singles, guitarist,singer Xavier Germain-Poitras and drummer Louis Guillemette are about to launch their debut LP, Blame Confusion, produced with a local alumnus of beloved ’90s band Tricky Woo: Adrian Popovich, “We had friends who recorded with him, like people in Duchess Says, and they were all telling us to go with Adrian because he would, like, really get what we’re trying to do sound-wise. And they were right,” says Germain-Poitras, “At one point, he was like, ‘Is it ripping enough?’ He was really concerned about the LP being ripping