姓名Catfish 别名暂无
国籍法国 出生地
语言 性别组合
生日 星座
身高 体重


Borrowing from delta blues gross and stripped character Catfish erected a bridge between the music of Skip James and indie rock of The Kills . The couple has a music unadorned, with vintage accents but never outdated , focusing on songwriting , the emotion of the voice and the guitar mojo . This very universe is fully transcribed by cleverly shifted their visual : sideburns , suspenders, doll dresses and stilettos . They are but two play as four : bass, drums exploded , harmonica, washboard ... and especially the burning guitars and Damien Amandine powerful voice. The songs deal with human relationships and the ambivalence of feelings, sometimes inhabited by a soft and melancholy voice , sometimes passionate and feverish .
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