姓名Cracbooms 别名暂无
国籍法国 出生地
语言 性别组合
生日 星座
身高 体重


Born Zangola, unknown Central African Benoit Clement, Jerome and Thibaut countries are baptized by French names in tribute to the sixties pop country Vialatte. Carried by black-headed gulls to Portland (Oregon), they meet the leader of the legendary band The independent and Jonathan Bisextiles and follow in its second reunion tour to the beaches of Brooklyn and Liverpool. They then embark on a Chinese junk to the Silver Coast to ascend the river and dock in the valley of the Cere. It is on this boat they recorded their first EP in French and cross the Printemps de Bourges 2011. But this bike is that they pursue the sun six months later by calling a second EP "Sun Grown". They are today, with other young people at the forefront, ready to throw in the French new wave pop (but not in Normandy because the water is too cold).
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