姓名Raphaella 别名暂无
国籍英国 出生地
语言 性别
生日 星座
身高 体重


Picture this- an over excited, bright eyed- admittedly a little over zealous 4 year old little girl sits eagerly awaiting her first ever school report. As she excitedly tears open the envelope she asks her Mum to read out loud the box marked music, it reads, "Raphaella can sing in tune". As expected or perhaps unexpectedly she is disappointed, because to her- her love of music and singing even at this age coupled with her big brown eyes full of pre-school optimism feels like this matter of fact statement is so flat and impersonal that it may as well not have even been written at all. As it turns out, being able to sing ‘in tune’ as her teacher had put it- at this age was a feat few four year olds could achieve, and was actually quite rare (I know right, who knew). So, fast-forward 18 years (yes that’s right... with all mental arithmetic done you should be at age 22), Raphaella- well… me... is still hopelessly in love with music, and if you were wondering- yes, also a definite- but definitely proud ‘geek’. So why dont you join me over a virtual Flat White or in fact a cup of Persian tea and find out a little bit more about me below :-) Well it is a bio after all, right? x"
Be prepared to be taken on a roller coaster of emotions when listening to Raphaella, as her songwriting takes you on an education of the heart with the highs of flying and the lows of falling… in LOVE. On first glance you may think Raphaella is a typical girls’ girl with an overuse of ‘lol’ in her tweets, but look a little deeper and you’ll find this 22 year old Persian/Scottish/English girl from North London has a profound/in depth love for Rumi, Shakespeare, Hafez, Jane Austin, and the French Revolution with Raphaella joking, ‘When I make it onto Celebrity Mastermind, I will know I have made it! lol
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