姓名Dawn and Hawkes 别名暂无
国籍美国 出生地
语言 性别组合
生日 星座
身高 体重


Miranda Dawn and Chris Hawkes make up Dawn and Hawkes, a couple and a singer-songwriting duo from Austin, Texas. They performed The Beatles’ “I’ve Just Seen a Face.” Adam Levine and Shakira turned their chairs in a heartbeat. Adam called it his “favorite audition I’ve ever seen on The Voice.” Apparently, it was a favorite for a lot of viewers, too. The song was the best selling on iTunes among all the first-week audition performances. The duo joined Team Adam.
Their background: Chris says they met in an Austin bar in 2010. “I saw a pretty girl across the room and asked her to dance. We started talking, and I found out she was a singer and songwriter too.” He went on tour and invited her to come along. They’d perform together between their sets. And a duo was born. They moved in together a year ago, Chris told The Voice. Miranda says: “He’s the guy I’m going to spend my life with.” They play small and big venues, “wherever they’ll have us,” Miranda says. And they’re hoping The Voice helps take their career to the next level.
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