姓名Hanna Turi 别名暂无
国籍瑞典 出生地
语言 性别
生日 星座
身高 体重


Hanna grew up in Falun, Dalarna, with a strong innate interest and urge to create. Singing had always been a part of her, but it was not until she tried writing songs that she realized what she really wanted to be.

She slowly started to learn how to play the piano in her early teens. But since her piano teacher wasn’t particularly impressed with Hannas’ playing technique, she carried on by herself and developed until the piano eventually became a natural part of her. With the piano as her best friend, Hanna Turi grew from the many years as an insecure teenage girl to a skilled musician, songwriter and singer.

2008 was the year when Hanna Turi won the title ”Best Singer/Songwriter” in the nation wide competition ’Music Direct’; and a few years later she released her first single ’This Time’. Her critically acclaimed debut album ’Some Old Tapes’, was released in January 2011, and was followed by a US tour. Despite her humble age of 22, Hanna Turi has already begun a steady career and is expected to deliver more of her passionate piano based pop next year.

Hanna Turi来自瑞典中部的达拉纳山区,自幼便显示出了对音乐浓厚的兴趣。9岁的时候她第一次把手指放在录音机的REC键上并开始录音了她自己的歌。2008年对Hanna是事业的转折点,时年只有22岁的她在瑞典全国的Music Direct原创音乐大赛中一举获得最佳歌手及最佳创作人两项大奖。2011年,随着首张专辑的发行,Hanna柔美却充满力量的嗓音、深邃且直抵内心的歌词,出色的钢琴演奏迅速俘获了大量歌迷,在以挑剔著称的瑞典乐评人年度唱片评定中,这张专辑获得了4.2的高评分。专辑中的单曲Starvation迅速走红,成为当年的年度金曲,另外两首作品Black Pencil和A Day To Remember也都进入了当年流行排行榜的年度榜单。
Hanna的第二张个人专辑于2015年4月8日在瑞典发行。在这张11首歌的专辑中,Hanna再一次展示了她世界级的作曲能力和包含丰富情感的细腻歌词,曲风更加成熟、更加多元,一经推出就引起了媒体的巨大反响,得到各方一致好评。瑞典最大的报纸DN如是说:Hanna的音乐轻抚听者的内心,不轻易间让你的灵魂震动也许一天也许一周也许是一生。在专辑主打曲目Some Kind Of Hell的MV中,Hanna与立陶宛人体彩绘艺术家Vilija Vitkuté以及英国导演George MacCallum合作,将艺术、表演、与音乐的融合进行了巧妙地革新,并最终赢得了2015年Dalecarlia音乐奖的年度最佳MV。专辑中的”Cotton Wads”上榜瑞典流行歌曲TOP10,You Collect, First Crash Down To Earth, Tracks In The Water等歌曲也都登上年度榜单。
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