姓名Cecilia 别名暂无
国籍美国 出生地
语言英语 性别
生日 星座
身高 体重


赛西莉亚(Cecilia)——作为当今一位著名的跨界美声女伶,早期偏重于古典歌剧的高雅、醇厚、幽深,进而又钟情于新世纪风格的清新、空灵、温润,可谓如鱼得水,畅游自如。谁都不能抗拒塞西莉亚这样充满亲和力的女声,温暖的气质足以融化世间一切冰冷与障碍。来自挪威北方小镇的她,从小梦想成为歌剧女伶,长大后却阴错阳差步上流行乐坛,成为傲世名伶。塞西莉亚出生于挪威位于北极圈内的一个小镇,极地寒冷的气候造就了她如水晶般清澈的嗓音。她从小就表现出对唱歌的热爱和天赋,9岁时,塞西莉亚在电视节目中看到了歌剧《阿依达》后,便立志成为一个歌唱家。她在挪威、丹麦和德国的音乐学院进行了长达6年的学习,以优异的成绩毕业。坚实的声乐基础使她的音域能轻松跨越3个8度而游刃有余。 此后,塞西莉亚赴美、澳等国家寻求音乐发展,并师从William Riley(威廉·莱历,Celine Dion和Whitney Houston都是他的门下弟子)等蜚声国际的声乐大师继续进行学习,天籁般的嗓音和靓丽的外表使塞西莉亚的音乐生涯青云之上,首张唱片“Voice of the Feminine Spirit”1994年在澳大利亚发行,还未经任何市场宣传就大卖20万张。 随着1997年第二张个人专辑“Voice of Violet 19”在全球热卖,塞西莉亚在美国、英国、芬兰、德国、日本等地开始了她的征服世界之旅。她的表演得到了高度的评价:“Cecilia不仅有天使般的美丽声线,更重要的是她在用灵魂歌唱。正因如此,她的歌声能俘虏你的心灵,牵引你的思绪……”在2002年盐湖城冬奥会上的献唱,标志着塞西莉亚成长为一位世界级的歌手。(摘自网络)When Cecilia sings her voice sounds clear and clean like crystal. Every once in a while a beautiful voice comes along. Such a voice belongs to Cecilia, who is renowned for her crystal clear voice. She has released 6 albums, 2 by Universal Music, been singing worldwide, and sold several hundred thousand albums. Cecilia started her career in 1994 singing for 5,000 people in Sydney, Australia. Her first album "Voice of the Feminine Spirit" went gold there, selling more than 50,000 copies. On her first Australian tour she was singing for 30,000 people in the 5 biggest cities. The album sold 200,000 copies with almost no marketing. It includes her famous rendition of "Amazing Grace". The world renowned spiritual author Stuart Wilde was the first one to recognize the special quality of Cecilia's voice when he heard her sing "Amazing Grace" at one of his seminars. He offered to help her, and made it possible to record "Voice of the Feminine Spirit" and to go on tour with himself and several other spiritual authors such as Dr. Wayne Dyer, Louise Hay, Marianne Williamson and Dr. Deepak Chopra. On Cecilia's two first albums, Stuart Wilde was also the lyricist and the executive producer. Cecilia grew up in Harstad, a small town North of the Arctic Circle in Norway. She has had an interest for music all her life. As a 9-year-old she saw the opera "Aida" on TV, and wanted to become an opera singer. Cecilia has 6 years of classical training from conservatories in Norway, Denmark and Germany. Received 1.0 as final marks at the Conservatory of Music in Oslo, Norway, which was looked at as impossible to get. Cecilia’s unique voice reaches 3 octaves, singing everything from pop to classical. Her genera is classical crossover. Instead of continuing the classical way Cecilia started to practice with a singing teacher in New York, Oren Brown, who was renowned for finding a singer’s natural voice.The music on Cecilia's second album "Voice of Violet 19", released in most continents in 1997, was a collaboration between producer and composer David Lord and lyricist Stuart Wilde. David Lord is best known for his work with Peter Gabriel, Kate Bush, and Jean Michel Jarre among others. Based on these two albums, this very talented Nordic singer found the interest of PolyGram’s staff in Norway. Cecilia signed a recording deal with PolyGram/Universal Music Norway in 1997. Universal Music released her third album "Inner Harmony" in 1999 (Mercury).Cecilia did promotion in Japan, and toured countries like England, Germany, Sweden, Finland and the USA, including Hawaii. She performed at the Universal Wisdom Foundation event with Al Di Meola at Miami arena in March 1998, singing for 6,000 people, who gave an incredible response to her crystal clear and beautiful voice. Another big event was singing at the Hollywood Palladium in Los Angeles. During the summer of 1999 Cecilia moved to Los Angeles. She signed an agreement with Northern Light Music to develop her music. While working on her music, Cecilia gave concerts in the USA. Cecilia opened the new millennium by singing at the Deepak Chopra Millennium event, where also his Holiness the Dalai Lama gave a speech. In 2001 Northern Light Music released her Christmas album "Let There Be Peace On Earth". In February 2002 came a new single "My Beloved", which was co-written by Cecilia. Children and animals are close to Cecilia's heart, and she is happy to be able to help non-profit organizations in their work. She supports Plan International, and sponsors a child in Nepal. Cecilia lost her mother to cancer, and she wants to support the work to battle the disease. Cecilia was singing at the biggest ballroom in the US, Roseland in New York, for the benefit of the Linda McCartney cancer foundation. Cecilia was singing at the 2002 Winter Olympics in Salt Lake City; including a concert for Nu Skin at the World of Ice, performed on the Norwegian National TV (NRK), for the King of Norway, and also for the Crown prince and princess. NRK made a music video of "My Beloved" at the top of the Olympic mountains. In April 2002 Cecilia moved from Los Angeles to New York, and continued to work on her style and new songs with Art Labriola, who was asked by Warner and David Foster to produce a mainstream radio mix for Josh Groban. Cecilia also got a new singing teacher, Dr. William Riley, who is also the singing teacher for Celine Dion, Whitney Houston, and Faith Hill.Cecilia's music has been used in TV series, documentaries, and videos in America and Asia, and on compilation albums worldwide. In 2003 a "Best of Cecilia" album was released in Greece, and her album "Let There Be Peace On Earth" was released in Korea.All our music resources are for trial only. Please delete the downloaded file within 24 hours by yourself. All property of the songs belong to singers or their company! Please buy the CD of them and support them. Downloading the file means you consent to all said above. If you don't accept the announcement, please don't download and delete the music file at once.
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