姓名Sundown 别名暂无
国籍美国 出生地
语言 性别组合
生日 星座
身高 体重


by Mike DaRonco
Without having any conscience about covering the lyrical content of drugs, violence, obsession and an all around lack of generosity, Sundown emphasize on the anti-nice guy role. Fusing a style of industrial and metal with an attitude of "hating everybody," Sundown's first full-length "Design 19" was released in 1997 courtesy of Century Media Records. Two years following, and with their line-up settling in with Mathias Lodmalm (vocals), Herman Engstrm (guitar), Andreas Karlsson (bass) and Chris Silver (drums), their ironically titled "Glimmer" saw the light of day in 1999.
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