姓名Jessica Curry 别名暂无
国籍英国 出生地
语言 性别
生日 星座
身高 体重


Jessica Curry Statement:
I completed my training in Screen Music at the National Film and Television School. There is a pastoral melancholy to my pieces and an emotional current that unashamedly speaks of the human condition, Romanticism and an attempt to capture a timeless longing. I aim to create beautiful, powerful and provocative music that has a profound effect on the audience- where the music creates the sense of place and evokes unexpected emotional responses.
I have collaborated on a variety of projects with games developer and researcher Dr. Dan Pinchbeck since 2003, including a series of experimental computer games. The latest of these games, Dear Esther, was selected for Prix Ars Electronica 2008, was an award winner at Indiecade 09, Los Angeles. Our Second Life piece The Second Death of Caspar Helendale was performed at the Royal Opera House in November 2009.
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