姓名Uni-Fi Band 别名暂无
国籍韩国 出生地
语言 性别组合
生日 星座
身高 体重


Meaning of UNI-FI-

UNI-FI is a compound world based on the combination of the music terminology HI-FI and low-FI..etc..
UNI-FI started with the thought :
what if all the countless different things in the universe all became one through music?
This will be a project that is very expression oriented rather than only focusing on the fact that things become one.

VISION : For the sake of all those people out there who are curious about the world's many ethic groups, cultures, art forms and more. we will show you all that, and let you feel everything through the medium of music to all of you out there. of many countries, UNI-FI started with music from England, and Japan, Africa. And now, through our music we will show you the what UNI-FI really mean.
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