姓名The Dawn Drapes 别名暂无
国籍美国 出生地
语言 性别组合
生日 星座
身高 体重


The Dawn Drapes is an alternative indie rock trio that formed in early 2011 as the brain child of songwriters Michael Sanzo and Daniel Rice. Early on the group played folk inspired rock and roll with a hint of avant garde. Over the next few months the group gained experience by playing with a rotating group of musicians that brought influences from many different genres, further expanding the music palette of The Dawn Drapes. In May of 2011 the group recorded their first full length self-titled and self-recorded album, during which their sound began to move away from the folk rock genre hinting that something truly unique was on the horizon. In 2012 singer / drummer Greg "Eggy" Gorman joined the band to round out The Dawn Drapes sound. The heavy hitting, yet well thought out drumming style of Eggy, along with his ability to harmonize perfectly with the rest of the group finally completed the band's sound which has influences ranging from Nirvana to Fleetwood Mac. Since then the band has been playing extensively up and down the east coast all the while honing their craft and pushing their musical boundaries.
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