姓名Emily Jane White 别名暂无
国籍欧美 出生地
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Emily Jane White是一位杰出的独唱歌手,她的声音可以穿透夜总会的喧嚣,把动听的音乐带给不同的听众。足以和Marshall和Hope Sandoval媲美的女低音,足可以打动每个人的心灵。精灵般美妙的乐曲,伴着华丽的钢琴乐章和简约的吉他和弦在她的歌声中缓缓流淌。不论你何时何地进入到White的音乐世界,你总会流连忘返。就像一切优秀的创作者,这位来自旧金山的歌手,给留下想象的空间。她的歌词中总有Cormac McCarthy小说般的感动,而不仅仅是随便的记叙。 2000年前后,White在加州大学圣克鲁兹分校就读时,奠定了自己dark folk的风格。一些classic country和blues音乐的创作人,对她的视野产生巨大影响,同时,一些像Nick Cave和P.J. Harvey的人,也一度感染过White。她American Studies中对神话的研究,更为她提供了创作源泉。尽管在圣克鲁兹,她有不断提高音乐造诣的舞台,她却没有勇气带领她的乐队Diamond Star Halos走上前台。大学后在法国的一段旅居经历,使她提高了自主能力,同时,也进一步使她形成了自己的观点。她说,“我的世界变得更加虚无、飘渺,让人更生疏,越来越不具体。”在为热情的波尔多观众表演时,Emily得到了很大的鼓励。她说:“他们总是在问:‘为什么我不发行专辑,为什么我不作巡回的演出,为什么我还没有和任何唱片公司签约’。每当这时,我都不知道该怎么回答。” 2006年,White前往旧金山,开始自己的名字组织一些新的音乐人一起演出。位于奥克兰Double Negative Records公司,将在于9月份发行她的首张专辑《Dark Undercoat》。这张专辑融合了近五年的个人创作和收集,将会是一张“最能感觉的到的专辑”。确实,这是一张布满了质感的专辑,你甚至可以感觉到她的手指按在键盘上的力度。Wild Tigers I've Known,包含了一段非常漂亮的前奏,只又优雅的钢琴伴奏和简单的合声。尽管这首歌是为Cam Archer的同名电影而创作的,它本身也形象完整地重现了乐谱,布满了电影的味道。而和White其他的作品一样,他同样值得歌迷们持续关注。A dark folk singer. She first began experimenting with and creating her singing style in the early 00's at UC Santa Cruz. Her influences include classic blues and folk, modern singers Nick Cave and P.J. Harvey, and the mythologies of different cultures.[1] After completing college and spending time in France, White moved to San Francisco to perform.by Jason BirchmeierEmily Jane White is a singer/songwriter from California who released her debut album in 2007. Influenced by American blues and folk music tradition along with contemporary female singer/songwriters such as PJ Harvey and Kate Bush, she has been compared to Chan Marshall of Cat Power and Hope Sandoval of Mazzy Star. While studying at the University of California Santa Cruz during the early 2000s, White fronted a band called the Diamond Star Halos and began developing her craft as a singer/songwriter. After college she moved to France for a while and established herself as a solo artist. Upon returning to California in 2006 and basing herself in San Francisco, she collaborated with producer Wainwright Hewlett on her full-length album debut, Dark Undercoat (2007). Released initially on the Oakland, CA-based label Double Negative Records, Dark Undercoat was subsequently licensed for international release by the label Talitres in 2008 and reached number 143 on the French albums chart.
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