姓名Como 别名暂无
国籍德国 出生地
语言德语 性别
生日 星座
身高 体重


A debut album full of poetry, no musical fast food, but soul and personality. COMO: A name you should remember! (Kieler Nachrichten, 21:05:13)

On Music Diary of a dance ballad is gathered, partly popig easy, partly dramatic, which can be see or hear. COMO sings simple and intense, without a lot of bells and whistles of their Gefuhlen and life. (Or Markische newspaper, 10:05:13)

This CD is a small Schatzchen. A voice, lyrics and compositions that really deserve to be discovered. For those who like to hear quieter music, definitely a Genub. It is worthwhile to take the time for this CD take. A CD that I will completely go through without a zap over stucco. Music that remains in the ear - even if the CD is already over long ago! (benhammer.de scene blog, 03:06:13)
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