姓名Becky Taylor 别名暂无
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生日 星座
身高0 体重0


英国流行乐歌手。在12岁时与EMI签约,成为旗下最年轻的歌手,并在一个月内发行首张个人专辑A Dream Come True。 Becky Taylor的嗓音清纯中带有强韧的生命力,听她的歌,会不由自主被她美妙的歌声吸引,尤其是她唱的那首You Raise Me Up,会引导人们走进深思的空间。目前,在欧洲名声大增的Becky Taylor,也逐渐深受广大乐迷的喜爱。
by Bradley Torreano
Child sensation Becky Taylor was born in London in 1988. At the age of eight she won the Thorndike Theatre Talent Competition, a prestigious competition that pitted her against performers three times her age. She ended up winning a British Arts Award at age ten, and made her television debut the same year. She fell in love with singing at an early age, and tried to cultivate that aspect of her career until her parents finally convinced an EMI representative to listen to their daughter. She released her debut album in September of 2001, Dream Come True, filled with songs from movies and musicals that she loved.
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