姓名Kate St. John 别名暂无
国籍美国 出生地London, England
语言英语 性别
生日1957-10-02 星座天秤座
身高 体重


早年Kate St.John在梦幻流行组合the Dream Academy中曾以萨克司,双簧等管乐而独树一帜,这方面的功底还让她多次在爱尔兰民谣大师Van Morrison的专辑制作班底中拥有一席之地。不过这段历程中她并没有机会展示完全属于自己的音乐。直到首张专辑《Indescribable Night》给人带来的震惊。 最早听到Kate St. John的声音还是通过Roger Eno等人组成的氛围艺术流行乐团Channel Light Vessel的一首《A Place We Pray For祈福地》,其中Kate St. John有一段如唱诗般吟诵的段落让人精神为之一爽。不过直到后来才听到95年这张Kate St. John的个人专辑《Indescribable Night》,方得一窥这位创作才女的音乐全貌。如果要找一位风格相似的艺人来形容Kate St. John确实不是很容易的事情。Though Kate St. John is best known for her contributions to the Dream Academy, the woodwind player, singer, and composer has kept busy with several other projects since that group disbanded. A frequent contributor to Van Morrison's solo albums, she collaborated with composer Roger Eno on The Familiar (1993). She also formed sort of an ambient-art rock supergroup of sorts with him, Bill Nelson, Laraaji, and Mayumi Tachibana called Channel Light Vessel, which released a CD in 1994. Her solo debut, 1995's Indescribable Night, is a precious but interesting effort that brings her classical arrangement skills and French chanteuse pop leanings to the fore. Second Sight followed in 1997.
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