姓名Dr Leonard Scott 别名暂无
国籍美国 出生地
语言 性别
生日 星座
身高 体重


Dr. Scott has successfully served the Indianapolis community as a dentist for over 40 years. He currently pastors the Rock Community Church in Indianapolis, Indiana and has traveled throughout the United States and overseas proclaiming the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Dr. Scott’s talents are far reaching. Along with his business ventures and ministry endeavors, he has honed his skills as a musician and writer, recording several albums. His 2010 release, Dr. Leonard Scott Presents My Worship Experience, is a powerful praise and worship project that directly correlates with his two books, Soaring with Eagles and Be Lifted Up, published by Evergreen Press. Dr. Scott is a staff writer for the Christian Outlook Magazine and host for the radio talk show “Medically Speaking,” sponsored by the Marion County Public Health Department.
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