姓名Moriah Peters 别名暂无
国籍美国 出生地
语言 性别
生日 星座
身高 体重


I Choose Music

I’ve always loved music…listening to it is my favorite, then singing, then playing. I get stage fright, which usually involves losing bladder control and THAT’S why I look so uncomfortable in this photo. So I’ve come to the resolve that I am not a performer, I am simply a 19-year-old girl sharing the beautiful lessons that I am learning as a daughter of God.

Part of what I’m learning is that I do NOT have it all together. After high school, my “genius plan” was to go to college, major in psychology, minor in music and eventually become a lawyer. Thankfully, I prayed one of the most important and dangerous prayers I’ve ever prayed, “God, I just want to be used by you.” With that came my decision to follow where God was leading…away from home and into recording in Nashville. So weird, so crazy, I have an album now! Don’t worry Mom, I’m still going to the best college ever, Grand Canyon University…Go ‘Lopes!

I am now 5’10 and I was 5’8 at 13, so boys never asked me to waltz because they were afraid of being squashed under my big feet. Obviously, Jr. High was an awkward time for me...being picked on, getting thrown into trashcans, and getting food stuck in my big hair sounds entertaining, but it all led to a lot of heartache and insecurities.

This is when I focused on relationships. Whether it’s with family, girls or boys, relationships make me, mold me, break me and hold me together. Family has kept me grounded, “Sisterhood” (my strong friendship with other Christian girls) has kept me accountable, and guys have kept me focused. I know...focused? Yes.

I’ve always had high standards when it comes to dating. My Daddy on earth and my Father in heaven have always taught me that I deserve to be treated with honor and respect. So if a guy had a problem with “no kissing” or he didn’t have a strong relationship with God, I focused on the standard that God wanted me to upkeep and moved on, no matter how hard it was. Matthew 6:33 gives me hope in my hopeless romanticism: “Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need.” INCLUDING a partner (:

I Choose Food

I love food...as long as it’s edible, I’ll eat it. Food has always been a big part of my life and culture. Each year, my family and friends come together and make tamales or menudo! Nom nom (: It’s less about what I’m eating and more about whom I’m eating with. Some of my favorite memories have come from sitting down at a big table with my family eating my favorite dish, Pastel Azteca (green enchilada casserole). Ahh…snack break…BRB!

I Choose Animals

After a long tour out on the road, there’s nothing like coming home to my family, friends and my favorite baby box turtle, Sushi. I love him so much and can’t wait to watch him grow (up to the size of a cheeseburger)! He has taught me to slow down and delight in the details of life. XO to you Sushi!

I Choose Sports

With my high heels and pink dress on, I can come off as “that girl,” but I’m really a football throwing, toilet fixing tom boy…not an ounce of shame in saying it either! I’d choose beach football over manis and pedis any day. However, I must confess a most obscure obsession with eyebrow threading.

Well, on that awkward note, I’d like to thank you for visiting my website. With the page of useful “Moriah” information you’ve just acquired, I hope this one thing sticks:

I am who I am, quirks, scrapes, pimples and all!

I am in no way professing perfection.

I am a work in progress and am in desperate need of God’s grace.

Thankfully it never runs out. YIPEEEE!


Moriah Peters
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