姓名Kreayshawn 别名暂无
国籍美国 出生地美国加利福利亚州奥克兰市
语言英语 性别
生日1989-09-24 星座天秤座
身高 体重


Natassia Gail Zolot was born in San Francisco, California and moved to Oakland, California when she was ten years old. She is a third-generation Russian-American,and the daughter of Elka Zolot, a former member of the San Francisco garage punk band The Trashwomen.Zolot got her first video camera when she was ten years old, and started documenting her raps at a young age.When she was seventeen years old she eventually began further exploring her interest in cinematography by shooting videos of friends and later music videos for local rappers such as Lil B.Her videos caught the attention of dean Patrick Kriwanekhe, and Zolot attended Berkeley Digital Film Institute with a full scholarship for two semesters. She then moved to Los Angeles to pursue her music video career.
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