姓名Bread of Stone 别名暂无
国籍美国 出生地
语言英语 性别组合
生日 星座
身高 体重


美国福音乐队Taking their name from a vision of their work as being 'useless materials', only made a blessing to others by Christ, Sioux City-based Bread of Stone are that rare band that truly puts service and ministry before dreams of pop stardom.

The band: Ben Kristijanto, Bill Kristijanto and Tim Barnes, founded 'The Light Project' - their ministry in Indonesia - and travels to that country annually to perform and fellowship with 'scavenger' communities, for whom scouring trash for recyclables that can be sold for cash is a fact of daily existence.

The development of Bread of Stone as artist's began simply - first with a calling received by the Kristijanto brothers' father (a minister) that the brothers should be involved in a music ministry.
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