姓名Catey Shaw 别名暂无
国籍美国 出生地
语言 性别
生日 星座
身高 体重


Catey Shaw truly got her start underground- in the New York City subways. She played a beat-up ukulele for spare change until her current manager, Jay Levine, scooped her up from the train platform and into the recording studio.

She released her debut EP, "Clouds" in February 2013, ringing with lyrics of love, family and the freedom of her bohemian, NYC lifestyle. Her influences span from hip-hop to disco, Billie Holiday to Bob Marley. Through channeling her well-rounded understanding of the world into pop music, Catey Shaw makes her unique voice impossible to tune-out.

Aside from music, Catey is a lifelong painter and a true artist. She views everything she creates as self-portraiture, and shares with her audience unapologetically.
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