Cristina Andreea Musat, sub numele de scena AMNA, este o prezenta cu adevarat nonconformista in showbiz-ul autohton. Artista gaseste in permanenta noi modalitati de a se inventa si reinventa, reusind sa isi uimesca continuu publicul.
Potentialul i-a fost recunoscut inca de la prima piesa, “Tell Me Why” care s-a bucurat de un succes rasunator pe radiourile nationale si internationale, ocupand primele pozitii in tari ca Polonia, Spania, Argentina, Columbia, Serbia, Grecia, Mexic, Chile, Ecuador si Albania.
Dupa ce primul ei single a devenit un hit la nivel international si agenda Amnei s-a aglomerat, avand chiar si 4 -5 concerte pe saptamana.
Dupa 'Tell Me Why' a urmat single-ul 'She Bangs' - un funky mix de beat-uri electronice si instrumente clasice. Realizat de Dony & The Kid, productia fost una dintre superhit-urile verii atat in tara cat si in Spania, Serbia sau Columbia.
'Esta Noche', piesa realizata in colaborare cu senzatia muzicala a Poloniei, Borys, a urmat acelasi traseu spre primele pozitii din clasamente.
Cel mai recent single al Amnei, 'Feel Alone' deja isi face simtita prezenta in cluburile si radiourile din Europa. In plus, artista a lansat o piesa in colaborare cu artistul columbian Rivera, 'Hey Ho'. Amna este una dintre cele mai apreciate artiste in Columbia, pentru vocea ei puternica si personalitatea luminoasa.
AMNA si-a demonstrat pasiunea pentru muzica inca din copilarie, cand punea in scena adevarate concerte pentru prieteni si familie. Impulsionata de o energie greu de stapanit, AMNA s-a dedicat studiului muzicii urmand cursuri de pian si lectii de canto la liceul George Enescu. In paralel nu a renuntat insa nici la studiile generale, absolvind liceul bilingv George Cosbuc, Facultatea de Relatii Internationale si un master in Maketing si Negociere in Afaceri.
In muzica sa si in spectacolele vibrand de energie, AMNA isi transpune in totalitate personalitatea. Puternica, implicata si deschisa catre tot ceea ce inseamna nou, AMNA este la inceputul unei povesti care se anunta a fi extrem de captivanta. booking@roton.ro
Amna, born Cristina Andreea Musat, is a truly nonconformist presence of today's Romanian showbiz. The artists is constantly renewing her inspiration, her image and her persona, keeping her audience in a state of perpetual awe.
Her potential shone through right from her first collaboration - DJ Tom Boxer produced her first single, 'Tell me Why'. The track is a big radio and club success, both in Romania and over borders. “Tell me Why” has topped charts in Romania, Poland, Spain, Argentina, Columbia, Serbia, Greece, Mexico, Chile, Ecuador and Albania.
Amna has had a burning passion for music ever since she was a little girl. She started by staging concerts and shows for her family and friends and continued by taking piano and canto lessons at George Enescu high school. In the same time, she never gave up her general studies, graduating from both the International Relations Faculty and Marketing and Business Negotiations Masters.
After her single become an international hit, with massive airplay in Spain, Romania and Poland, her concert agenda started cramming up to a point where she had 4-5 international concerts per week.
The time has come for her new single, ‘She Bangs’ being a very energetic and funky mix of modern beats with traditional instruments. Created by Dony & The Kid, the production was a super hot summer hit. It has topped charts in Spain, Serbia and Columbia.
“Esta Noche”, her collaboration with Polish teen star Borys, also became a household hit.
Her newest single, “Feel Alone” is a growing sensation in clubs and radios all over Europe. In the same time, she released a featuring with Columbian artist Rivera. She is a beloved artist in the territory, artists specifically asking for collaborations with this girl with a powerful voice and a bubbly personality.
Her energy and passion transposes through everything she does - from her everyday life to her fabulous concerts, Amna is a bundle of sparkling energy! Strong, implicated and open to everything that is new, she is at the beginning of a story that promises to be extremely captivating.