姓名Blackheart 别名暂无
国籍英国 出生地Manchester UK
语言 性别组合
生日 星座
身高 体重


According to the BBC, Blackheart are "Taking the acoustic scene by storm" Radio 2's Aled Jones pronounced them "A great band" Good Morning TV described their music as "Beautiful" Italy's Radio Gold called it "Inspired Music" and American Public TV proclaimed "Blackheart don't sound like anyone else, rather they remind us why music lifts us up."

In just three years, pioneering British arthouse folk duo Blackheart have achieved much - playing over 400 gigs here in the UK and Ireland plus two successful headlining tours of Australia and New Zealand.

Their rise began when the track 'Unlike Water' was used for the Moben Kitchens TV commercial. Their music and sound defy categorisation - combining the lemon and honey voice of Chrissy Mostyn with the spellbinding acoustic instrumentation creating a unique blend of intelligent acoustic rock. Their highly personal songs are laced with piercingly sharp observations, beautifully crafted lyrics and powerfully driven melodies which prompted Australia's Western Star to comment that they "take their audience from uplifting to heartbreaking in a single song"

Their new album 'Songs From a Satellite', from which the single 'The Sky and I' is taken, is scheduled for release in October 2013.
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