姓名Robin Beck 别名暂无
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Robin Beck出生在1954年11月7日纽约的布鲁克林区,漂亮的脸蛋美妙的身材,沙哑高亢的声音,无处不打动你的心。早期她虽没有受过专业歌唱训练,却天生拥有好嗓子。七十年代被音乐人Alex London发掘后便开始学习歌唱艺术。为许多歌手当和音的经历,为她累积了不少表演经验。在1979年,获得唱片合约发行首张专辑《Sweet Talk》,邀请当时即将串红的Irene Cara及小有名气的Luther Vandross合作却没有受到太多注意。然而Robin Beck事业转折点来自广告歌工作,在1987年至1988年为美国可口可乐《You Can't Beat the Real Thing》与《Coca-Cola is it》等系列广告演唱了主题曲《First time》,之后同年发行单曲《First time》,先后夺得英国、爱尔兰、德国、澳洲近十国冠军,法国更创下二十万佳绩,隔年唱片公司趁胜追击发行第二张专辑《Trouble Or Nothin'》,单曲《Save Up All Your Tears》(德国Top5)与《Tears In The Rain》(德国Top22)都是打进排行榜的作品。之后虽然也出过不少作品,但是都没有取得以前的成绩。
到现在总共发行了6张录音室专辑,她还一直活跃在歌坛上,我们还能不时的看见她以guest vocal形式出现在其他歌手的专辑中。
Former background vocalist for the likes of Melissa Manchester, Chaka Khan and Leo Sayer, American Robin Beck briefly topped the U.K. and German charts with 1988's "The First Time," a song used in a Coca-Cola commercial. Her subsequent album, Trouble or Nothin' (1989), failed to generate much interest, despite the contributions from such experienced songwriters as Desmond Child and Diane Warren. The songs released as singles failed as well -- "Save Up All Your Tears" had already been made famous by Cher and "Tears in the Rain" would be covered by Jennifer Rush with greater success five years later. In 1992, Beck released her second album, with the single "In My Heart to Stay" becoming a minor hit in Germany. Her 1994 song "Close to You" could be heard in publicity spots for a large fast-food chain.
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