姓名Johnny Maxwell 别名暂无
国籍美国 出生地
语言 性别
生日 星座
身高 体重


Iv'e faced a lot of struggles growing up. There were times in my life where i didn't know what to do and felt lost in the world. I used to always listen to music as a kid and always seemed to vibe with it. About a year and a half ago i found myself in a place where i needed an outlet.. however i wasn't sure what the outlet was. My cousin told me about how his friend recorded a song through a program called garageband and with a pair of headphones. He asked if i wanted to try making a song. At first i was skeptical, however the minute we started writing our verses i felt as if a missing piece of me had just been filled. Once we recorded the song onto garageband i knew that making music would play a huge role in my life from that day on. Ever since then i have been writing and upgrading on equipment and have recently starting making my own beats. Music is my life.. I wouldn't change it for anything in the world!
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