姓名Kuningasidea 别名暂无
国籍芬兰 出生地
语言 性别组合
生日 星座
身高 体重


King Idea is more than the message of sanattomuutta, the more the rhythm of music than silence -And, above all, more love than anything else.

It is also served by Helsinki in 2009, the sheer joy born band, the 12-member veljisto swears on stage Reggae and Rap-influenced music in the name and to worship only audience in the image.

Their debut-album "It's a new era," published in the summer of 2012 and its first single was More Duoo ku Sooloo, which became one of the biggest hits of that same year. As a prize was awarded Rookie of the Year 2012 to the title Funky awardes. The band was also listed in the newcomer Emma nominated.

North winds latest single, released in late spring 2014, and that's heralds the end of the year blowing second album!
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