姓名Shahzoda 别名暂无
国籍乌兹别克斯坦 出生地
语言英语 其他语种 性别
生日 星座
身高 体重


Shahzoda(本名Zilola Bahodirovna Musaeva)生于1979年7月28日,是乌兹别克斯坦著名流行歌手。在乌兹别克苏维埃社会主义共和国,苏联,她出生于乌兹别克,俄罗斯。在乌兹别克、塔吉克、哈萨克、俄国演唱。她的独唱生涯之前,Shahzoda是两个流行乐队成员之一“Jonim”。他们因“Qarama Ko'zlarimga-Don't look at my eyes而成名。
Before her solo career, Shahzoda was one of two members of the pop band "Jonim". They came to fame with their song "Qarama kozlarimga" ("Don't Look at My Eyes") in 1998. The band separated two years later and both Shahzoda and Aziza launched successful solo careers.

Shahzoda's first single "Bor ekan" became a hit in Uzbekistan and she gained fame in pop culture. Following the success of "Bor ekan" Shahzoda released her first album with the same title in 2002. The Album became one of the best selling albums of the year
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