姓名Submission 别名暂无
国籍丹麦 出生地
语言 性别组合
生日 星座
身高 体重


Submission is a band that was formed in April 2003, by Christoffer Petersen (guitar) and Kasper Kirkegaard (guitar). After a few months of playing together they realized, that they wanted to take the music further than just playing for fun. Kasper knew some people from former bands, so he contacted Morten L?we S?rensen (drums) and Steven Qvist (vocal). Both of them agreed to try out the ideas, that had been created, and soon submission was on a path that everybody in the band could relate to, and now the band was almost assembled. In April 2005 the band finally found a bass player that could live up to the standards in Submission. The name is Boris Tandrup (bass).
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