姓名Myself In Mirrors 别名暂无
国籍美国 出生地
语言 性别组合
生日 星座
身高 体重


Myself in Mirrors was started before summer of 2012 and has come a long way in a sense of establishment, sound and line up. It has taken awhile for things to all come together but no matter what kind of obstacles the band was faced with, they have overcome them and are still striving to revolutionize a genre. It has taken months and months of dead-end writing and line-up changes to get the band where it is at now but each member came to terms with the fact that good things come to those who deserve it. After months of writing new material, hard work and creating a more finessed sound, things didn't quite start rolling until mid July 2013. With 5 solid songs and a solid line-up, they set off over 100 miles from home to record their debut EP with Jesse Cannon at Cannon Found Soundation. Through the conviction of 6 talented musicians and the dedication to be something great, we have all bonded and became close friends with one another to create the ultimate experience for us and the fans whom we hope to share it with and hopefully someday, the world. This is only the beginning of what we hope will bloom to something more beautiful than anyone could ever imagine.
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