姓名Billy Always 别名暂无
国籍美国 出生地
语言 性别
生日 星座
身高 体重


b. 1954, Chicago, Ilinois, U.S.A.

Billy was the godson of gospel great Mahalia Jackson.

Aretha Franklin took him under her wing and at the age of nine he was the lead voice in his church choir.
By 11 he was touring and recording with Reverend Isaac Whittman.
In 1969, he was taken on as Aretha's protege and was given studio time by her production company Do It To It Productions.
He recorded a single 'Do It Again' with the help of Aretha, Carolyn Franklin and Cissy Houston, however it was not released.
Aretha's backing singer Evelyn Green introduced him to Barrett Strong, and from 1975 Barrett and Billy wrote a number of songs together including 'Man Up In The Sky', recorded by both Barrett (1976) and Johnny Bristol (1989).
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