姓名B Rossi 别名暂无
国籍美国 出生地
语言 性别
生日 星座
身高 体重


Born and raised in Decatur, GA, Brandon Rossi Linsey, better known as B. ROSSI, is the breath of fresh air that the public and the music industry has been begging for. You can’t just call him a rapper or a lyricist, he’s simply what the music industry and society needs. Someone who will give people something to dance to, bob they’re head, jump around, etc; but more importantly, B. Rossi’s music will inspire. He understands the importance of making music that will do more than make people want to get money and live a “stuntastic” life. His music inspires everyone; young and old to live with a purpose that will take you from success to significance.
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