姓名Blood On The Dance Floor 别名暂无
国籍美国 出生地
语言英语 性别组合
生日 星座
身高 体重


A band, a movement, a family, a unity of one. This 'Electronic Rock Duo' seems to be yielding to no one. Despite the negativity and hate that they receive on a daily basis, they continue to stand for what they believe in, and strive for greatness. Over the past three years, I've had the privilege to get to know and to become a part of a family that is so, not only well knitted together, but loyal, dedicated, ambitious, and full of grace. "A piece of art is always going to be a piece of art, if you never take the time to study it."That is exactly how I look and portray my friends in B.O.T.D.F. From the outside, the image can come across to most as intimidating or scary. But given the chance, you will see that the beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and you will never know, if you don't put forth the effort to find it. To understand and to accept ones individuality, is to realize that every living being is a separate and uniquely distinct individual. From the physical appearance of a person, to the subtle level which is made up of the mind, intelligence and ego, and also more profoundly, on a spiritual level the spiritual identity of a soul is also unique and individual. What I'm trying to get at here, is that despite what you may read or see on the internet, it does not give justice to what is reality. To what is true. So before crossing judgement, ask yourself,"who am I?" "Who am I to pass judgement on a topic I know nothing of?"
Mikee Vasquez.
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