姓名Cars and Calories 别名暂无
国籍挪威 出生地Oslo
语言英语 性别组合
生日 星座
身高 体重


By now, everyone the world over knows what the fox says. But Ylvis wasn’t the only Norwegian act to break out this fall: Cars & Calories’ debut single, “Runner-Up,” quickly established the pop-rock duo of Michael Markussen and Jim Andre Bergsted as being second to none! Not only did the song go straight to radio in its members’ native country, it also got airplay in the US and won raves as far awa...y as the UK. (It “transcends trends,” wrote British music blog MyFizzyPop!! “and shines all the brighter because of it.”)

Now, as 2013 draws to a close, C&C are hoping that the second impression they make will be just as positive as the first. Besides playing their virgin live gigs — in Bergen and Oslo as part of the “Get Dancy!” program — they’re also releasing their second single, “Here,” co-written by lead vocalist Bergsted, Eric Hojden from Kid Down and American lyricist Charlie Mason (whose credits include cuts with everyone from Eric Saade to Miley Cyrus).
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