姓名赵元善 别名暂无
国籍韩国 出生地
语言韩语 性别
生日 星座
身高 体重


Born July 3, 1972 / Republic of Korea
Debut (Debut) 1999 years ( the roller coaster to me )
Well, it 's a deal making hobby , making accessories
Well, it 's a deal cooking skills , shooting
- Tokyo Macc Music School Popular Piano Curriculum Training ( 94-95 )
Profile Rock Band `1990s` activities (90)

Lee Seung Hwan , Yoon Jong Shin , Lee Hyun Woo , TOY, yanghyeonseok , Lena Park , annular , including album of the words / songs , vocals , chorus , keyboard and participation

Jowonseon singer of a roller coaster in 1990 to form the Rock Bound 1990's began underground activities . Began in earnest in 1996 to announce the name Toy (Toy) ' contained in the two houses ' Billy's Bar' seoyida you take the vocals . After several albums of artists participating in the session , jinu , Lena Park , Lee Seung Hwan , Yoon Jong Shin , Lee Hyun Woo , annular , and many well-known artists were in charge of the guest vocal on the album .
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