姓名Casino 别名暂无
国籍英国 出生地
语言 性别
生日 星座
身高 体重


Casino is a rock/alternative band consisting of Adam Zindani (vocals/guitar), Sam Yapp (drums), Jo Crofts (guitar) and Jimi Crutchley (bass guitar). The band was originally formed as Casino in 2003 and changed its name to SpiderSimpson after signing to Polydor in 2006, before reverting back to the original name in late 2008 to release its first album The Spider Simpson Incident. The band has a strong and loyal cult following in its home city of Birmingham, England. The band was inactive after the departure of Deavall, who has formed a new band (The High Hurts), and with Zindani being more involved with the Stereophonics with little time left to work with Casino. Currently the band are back in business, they've signed a record deal and are working on an album.
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