姓名Heartsrevolution 别名暂无
国籍美国 出生地美国纽约
语言英语 性别组合
生日 星座
身高 体重


HeartsRevolution来自纽约,乐队由男孩Ben、女孩Lo和现场鼓手PrinceTerrence组成,电子、实验、朋克舞曲的形式都不足以描述这组窜红团体,他们在音乐和现场中体现的态度让你不得不认可他们的特别。HeartsRevolution被知名音乐杂志NME这样描述——“现代流行团体的标榜,有一天所有的乐队都将向他们一样”,同时在NME评选的 “50名具有革新性和驾驭未来音乐风格的乐队”中,他们名列36位。显然,在全球众多的新人中,他们是最值得你注意的一支。 (引自2009摩登天空音乐节文案)

heartsrevolution is a New York-based band, described by NME as "the model for the modern pop group. One day all bands will be like this"[1] The band is a boy/girl combo cryptically going by the names of "Ben" and "Lo" (real names Ben Pollock and Leyla Safai respectively) . They are also joined by a live drummer who is known as "Prince Terrence". HEARTSREVOLUTION were featured in the NME "top 50 bands, artists and innovators driving music forward" at number 36. The band relies on unusual modes of transport to all of their concerts and in April 2008 mounted an ice cream van for their first tour of the UK.. They have so far released a 12" called "Ultraviolence", an EP entitled "Switchblade", a split 6" along with Crystal Castles"and another EP - "C.Y.O.A." 12". They also more recently had one of their songs "Dance Till Dawn" featured on the CW show Gossip Girl
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