姓名Wildbirds and Peacedrums 别名暂无
国籍瑞典 出生地
语言 性别组合
生日 星座
身高 体重


瑞典独立音乐繁荣的场面已经持续了很长一段时间,直到现在仍然是新秀辈出。Wildbirds & Peacedrums这对夫妻档也算是这个独立浪潮中的一员,但是他们带给听众们的声音却是如此特别。虽然在他们的MySpace上所标注的音乐类型是“Other/Blues/Pop”,唯独没有indie,但是我却坚持己见的认为他们应该算是一支indie-folk的乐队。

女声Mariam Wallentin和她的丈夫兼鼓手——Andreas Werliin制作了一些相当引人注目的歌曲,漂亮而空灵的类似啜泣的声音包裹在精巧的Folk的氛围下,犹如他们乐队名字所暗示的一般。第一张专辑Heartcore去年在瑞典本土发行,今年随着第二张专辑Snake在全球的发行,首张专辑也再版发行。女主唱的声音由那种温文尔雅的闪烁着非凡光芒的声音,转变成完全的野性的状态,那种用喉咙发声的方法犹如PJ一般。

An almost unclassifiable mix of spare, bluesy vocals and powerful drumming -- with some pop and jazz elements mixed in for good measure -- Sweden's Wildbirds & Peacedrums feature singer Mariam Wallentin and drummer Andreas Werliin. The pair met in 2004 at Gothenburg's Academy of Music and Drama but, frustrated at the institute's rigid format, they began making music on their own the following year (and also got married). They released two limited-edition CD-Rs on their own before recording their full-fledged debut album, Heartcore, in 2006; it was released in 2007 by the Swedish label Found You. Leaf reissued the album internationally in spring 2008; that year, the band also toured with Lykke Li and was named that year's Jazz in Sweden artist. Wildbirds & Peacedrums's second album, Snake, arrived in 2008 on the Swedish jazz label Caprice.
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